Stick to (two) It!

Written by Pam on September 6, 2015

I thought about a poem by Emily Dickinson’s while we took our HGT’s pups to the water today. You truly need to ‘stick to it’ when you have two pups in the water. They need the freedom to learn and explore but more importantly they need the safety of the human hand and a safety vest… or two!.

Enoch and Akona are very used to water but in small doses – the sprinkler and the kiddy pool – but this morning we decided to introduce a larger body of water and see what the pups do. From the sand to the water, there was a very slight hesitation, but once in the water, the freedom started instantly. Especially for Enoch – he wanted me to take off his lead so he can go-go-go.  But there are those society signs so 6 feet of lead was all I can give him.  Akona, liked the fact that I was at arm’s reach, but she, too loved the water. Before long, they were both frolicking and truly living in the moment.. and to my surprise, swimming! Please enjoy the pictures of this wonderful morning and this great poem.

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I started early, took my dog, and visited the sea
The mermaids in the basement came out to look at me,
And frigates in the upper floor extended hempen hands—
Presuming me to be a mouse aground, upon the sands,
But no man moved me till the tide went past my simple shoe—
And past my apron and my belt, and past my bodice too,
And made as he would eat me up and wholly as a dew
Upon a dandelion’s sleeve – and then I started too.
And he—he followed close behind; I felt his silver heel
Upon my ankle—then my shoes would overflow with pearl.
Until we met the solid town, no one he seemed to know—
And bowing with a mighty look at me, the sea withdrew.

Posted Under: HGT's Puppies, Poetry/Quotes/Passages

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