All Critters – Great & Small…

Written by Pam on November 4, 2015

Mr. Spot as he is known and loved by many…

Mr. Spot is my cousin’s dog that she has adored for many years.  We think Mr. Spot is 10 years old; but because he was a rescue, we truly will never know his exact age but what we do know is that this little dog is full of life, love and expression.  What I mean by expression is that wonderful cooing noise our dogs tend to vocalize when we walk into the room, when we leave through that same door and Oh, most importantly, when we re-enter that door even if it was only a moment that we were away. All our dogs learn from an early age to love – unconditionally! They love us, trust us and always want to be near to us!

I am writing this blog today about Mr. Spot because this little guy has gone through some amazing stuff in his life time and has also just recently showed my cousin that the love does not end, it simply continues a little differently.  Mr. Spot had a pace-maker transplanted into his tiny chest.  The wonderful veterinarians at Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston, MA, were there working diligently on Mr. Spot and in fact, saved this little dog’s life.  I was and will continue to be amazed at such a delicate operation can be done on a dog.  I never even knew this was available to our canine friends. And I truly respect these veterinarians at Angell Memorial for their dedicated compassion and collarative care of all critters – great and small!

When talking to my cousin, I hear in her voice the love she has for this little dog and from the videos she sends me, I see for myself how this little dog expresses his love for her. I think Mr. Spot got his name from being ‘spot-on’ when it comes to the love it shows and receives.

Please view the below video of Mr. Spot.  I hear him saying “I love you Jan”.

What I would like for our HGT families to take away from this blog is to spend time with your puppies, train them, love them, and in return you will get many – many years of complete unconditional joy.  What I also want to make sure everyone thinks about is to locate a good veterinarian, one that is compassionate for their canine friends, one that helps answer all your questions and never rushes an answer. Further you might also want to consider the options of puppy health insurance.  It is available, there are different options and might be worth the effort to investigate the pros/cons that are involved.  I know that through the AKC and once you register your HGT puppy, you will qualify for I believe a one month free trial of AKC puppy insurance.  It is worth the time and the call.  Enjoy the video! Pam

IMG_0876.MOV_mr spot

Posted Under: HGT's Puppies, News

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