We Feel Free @ Week 3…As We Can Hear & See!!!

Written by Pam on November 19, 2015

Hooray – my personal milestones for this litter have all been hit and it is only week 3!  I gauge our HGT pup’s milestones by time – 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks.  Once the pups hit all my personal goals, I have this feeling of complete joy that everyone is healthy, happy and on their way to a great life :@)

Everything is starting to change … they can hear and see everything in close proximity to their whelping box.  They can hear our daughter singing, the footsteps of anyone of us approaching, the coffee machine going on and of course all their furry friends who cannot wait to see them.  The pups let out this adorable coo that is (I guess) in response to what they hear.  Now they see!  When I approach the whelping box, they now have a face with a scent.  They follow me from one side of the whelping box to the other.  Soon, we will start the training – believe it or not – once the puppy sees me, we can start some of the basics :@)

They are also on the move.  From that crawl thing that they used to do, is now a semi-coordination on all 4’s!  They also wag their tails in delight and they mouth each other – I guess because it’s fun and now they just realize they can.  Watch the video I embedded to see for yourself what a happy bunch we have here.  One has so much to say, the others just seem to listen … for now :@) To see the individual head shots, please go to Goldens/Litters&Pups – there you will see the comparisons.  We will also start to introduce some of Mama’s grub soon because these pups are already showing some pearly whites – Enjoy, Pam

IMG_0707Sage pups 2nd litter week3

Posted Under: HGT's Puppies, HGT's Training

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