A Dog’s Love

Nobody can fully understand love until he’s been owned by a dog.  by Gene Hill

Dogs fill our lives with love and our minds with wonder! Puppies from a very early age understand what the human relationship is all about.  From 3-4 weeks, they understand that this human interacts with them,


Band Together

♥♥ Did you know that dogs love music!  Well I never really believed it until my daughter started playing the piano.  She would take her seat at the piano and play some beautiful music and our Ozzy would just lay by her side.  Ozzy would always be in near distance


How Many Dogs Does It Take To Change a Lightbulb?

I saw this joke re-written to reflect how each dog breed would answer this question, if they could.  Very funny – of course we love all the responses, but the Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever responses are … spot-on :@) :@)

If I can borrow a quote from Emily Dickinson…

“They (dogs)


Not So Fast!

In this blog I want to talk with you about your HGT puppy and what it is capable of doing now and later.  Now, at 10-weeks when you go for a walk or a run with your puppy, it should be considered a 10 minute exercise and that is it.


LOVE Works but so does OBEDIENCE + AGILITY Training!

You need to give your HGT puppy something to do – and to do often.  A pat on the head, a bowl of fresh water, a loving word are all great and the puppy needs all of this but they also need some simple command training.  Your HGT pup already knows the
