Category: Adult Golden Retrievers


 Sage before the whelping started – I see a smile…

Well it’s the day before Halloween and we have some little howls coming from the HGT whelping den – the Sage + Devin, litter of beautiful golden grands have joined us one day early :@)   Sage and her pups are doing fine.


HGT’s Impending Gold Rush :@) :@) :@) :@) :@)

Well, we received some very good news today!  Below is the x-ray of Sage’s Treasure Belly – can you count the puppies skeletons…make sure you look closely – at first you may see some…gas bubbles, you need to click on the picture to actually see the pup’s skeletons (in white/gray). This is a


The Golden Rule :@)

In this blog I want to talk about …not only…all those beautiful things golden – but our Golden rule in society.  This Golden rule, as we know it, is simply to treat others or do unto others, as you would have them do unto you or how you want to


Say Cheese – okay maybe not!

Our dogs are trained from an early age starting when their eyes open and they see me. They watch my hand signals and follow me from one side of the whelping area to the other.  Yes, the training of our puppies starts at 3-4 weeks and continue on their new journeys


Just hav’n fun!

We spent a few hours just doing what the dogs wanted to do today – just hav’n some fun.  (You would think we consume Coca Cola – but …we actually do not drink soda at all – just water!)  Enjoy the pics of our HGT pack… Enoch, Epokku, Akona, Ty, Sage+Kiss
