Category: Adult labradors

Ty’s Time To Shine

Koko’s daughter, Ty-Ty, has shown her regal stuff during her first AKC Match Show that we attended today, Saturday, 5/23/15, in Vernon, CT.  The Show was hosted by the South Windsor Kennel Club, SWKC, and Farmington Valley Kennel Club, FVKC.  Ty was entered into both clubs Jr Showmanship and Sporting/Conformation


An ORGANIC Apple a day…

One of my friends gave me an article on the benefits of organic foods vs those that are non-organic and I wanted to share this information not only with my HGT families but also for anyone who reads our blogs.  We need to make sure that what we buy as


HERE…is a good thing!

At HGT we believe in training our dogs to do remarkable things – and our dogs training continues for the first 2 – 3 years. We have already successfully completed training classes in socialization, foundation I & II for Ty and will be starting agility/rally and show handling classes. Yesterday we


LOVE Lots!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! Below this wonderful song is a special message from the dogs at HomeGrown Trilogy – we hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day! Love Lots! Pam

Nat King Cole – L-O-V-E Lyrics

L is for the way you look at me

O is for the only one I see

V is very,


The BeauTY in TY

Foundation 2 FUNdamentals is a blast – with HGT’s TyTy…

We have almost completed our second obedience training class and I see the progress. Ty has already mastered the sit, stay, down and sit stay and the down stay when we walk round Ty while she is in position – this command will
