Category: Found: Quotes/Poems/Passages

HGT Mission in a Song & Coined Terms for 2018: 


 OHSO & MEO, HGT’s TyTy and SKY FARM’s Roger Wilco Litter –
Next breeding – Spring, 2018!!!

Dogged perseverance!

Dog Gone tenacity!

Dogs Stick-To-Itiveness!

Kissakee Crest Snow Day: IMG_0675

Our 2018 Song :
Love is a song that never ends

Life may be swift and fleeting
Hope may die, but loves beautiful


Two-Minute Alchemy

While at one of our favorite places to get a quick gluten-free lunch, we noticed on their doggie-bags this meaningful parable by Paulo Coelho and we wanted to share it with our HGT families and those who visit our blogs!

“We all, at some point, grow old and acquire other qualities, and
