Category: HGT’s Puppies

Hooked On a Sporting Breed…At HGT we know why!

At HomeGrown Trilogy we are hooked on two sporting breeds, that of the Labrador and Golden Retriever.  We have HGT families that love both breeds – are hooked on one or the other…and we understand why!

I want to talk about each breed separately so that new family members can think


Labrador Pairings: Koko + Marcus…TY + JD

It is official – both of our beautiful chocolate labradors have been bred.  We wanted this blog to be about our dogs, our breeder friends & their sires and the HGT process. The fun has started here at HGT, but when the ultrasound shows puppy sacks, then the excitement is truly


CHECKED!!! Applause Paws …3/10/16

At HGT we try our very best to capture every detail before we breed our magnificent creatures.  (You should see the charts and graphs!) We not only capture the details but we want to share the results of these tests with all our HGT families as we know our dogs are


HGT’s Anticipated Time-Table for our Labrador Puppies :@) :@)

Chocolate Labrador Puppies – Planned Breedings

Our anticipated time-table for breeding our Labradors will be as follows (2/29/15 update):


March 2016: Ty has started her heat cycle and will be going in for her base-line progesterone test 3/1/16! Fingers-crossed!

We have all the results of: OFAs, PRA, CNM and coat color DNA done on Koko’s eldest


Get In The … KNOW!

Here at HomeGrown Trilogy, we not only breed our magnificent creatures, but we feed them the best food money can buy.  The in the know… comes into play now that we are offering the best dog gear for all our HGT dogs and puppies to sport around in!  Each of
