Category: HGT’s Puppies

HGT’s Impending Gold Rush :@) :@) :@) :@) :@)

Well, we received some very good news today!  Below is the x-ray of Sage’s Treasure Belly – can you count the puppies skeletons…make sure you look closely – at first you may see some…gas bubbles, you need to click on the picture to actually see the pup’s skeletons (in white/gray). This is a


2016 – HGT’s Year of the LAB

LAB – Loyalty, Athleticism, Beauty   

Here at HGT, we will be focusing all our strengths this coming year on two dynamic litters – both will bring us many assorted chocolates –

2015 was our Golden year and we are very proud of those golden grands.  2016, is our year of the LABrador!

Ty, Koko’s oldest


The Golden Rule :@)

In this blog I want to talk about …not only…all those beautiful things golden – but our Golden rule in society.  This Golden rule, as we know it, is simply to treat others or do unto others, as you would have them do unto you or how you want to


To Have and NOT to Hold®™

One of my most favorite authors, Ted Kerasote, wrote in one of his beautiful books, …lessons were not about training, but about partnership. They were never about method; they were about attitude. And at the heart of this attitude is a person’s willingness to loosen a dog’s leash


A BitterSweet Day :@) :@)

We just had some ultrasounds done today and we are happy that our beautiful Sage Advice conceived but we are very sad to learn that our beautiful Ty did not.  We will be repeating the ultrasound on Ty in a week, just to ensure that we did not miss a pup
