Category: HGT’s Puppies

Fluidity In Motion or Beauty of the Moment

Call it what you like, I call it our HGT golden grands in action.  No matter if the puppies are introduced to a new training tool, or an old(er) toy, the fun starts and never seems to end until I have to take the trainer away!  We have been training the


The Power of …Bow WOW!

Many of you may already know that Koko did not conceive a couple of months ago. She just had her Total Health done and she is absolutely fine and no health issues but we need to shake off a few of those extra lbs!  So if she gets back to a fin(er)


HGT’s Blessings

We want to thank all our HGT Golden families and we wish for you many – many years of wonderment – wonderful and rewarding experiences with your new HGT pup.  We like to send our HGT blessings out to our HGT pups and our HGT families. Please keep in touch



Well, Never say Never…Here at HGT we love all our puppies and it is truly a bitter sweet good-bye when the pups leave us.  At HGT we try and place all the puppies in each litter, but there are times when one or TWO seem to just STAY.  If I


Enjoy + Remembrance on Memorial Day

Look what we did before noon today!  The pups hit another HGT major milestone at their 8 week mark and coupled with the fact it is Memorial Day, we decided to do something special with the pups, in remembrance of this special day! We wanted the pups to see what
