Category: HGT’s Training

If you love the life you live, you will live a life of Love!

My daughter introduced me to this wonderful quote and I wanted to share it with everyone that visits the HGT website.  If I can add a second verse to this already great quote – I would add…If you love the pup in your life, you are guaranteed that life of love!


ahhh time spent with a puppy… or two or three…!

I marvel over all the things that you can teach a puppy.  The puppy may already be showing you his take on a few of his cute games.  Once your puppy does something that you actually like and want to have it repeated, you will need to immediately praise and


Leading Lines…

It’s rainy here in CT so we decided to skip the pool and the sprinkler and do something more creative with the puppies.  We decided to have the pups join us in a game of ‘leading lines’.  No there really was no special content, no special photography, just some images


Those who ….Yonder…are NOT lost:*)

Yonder is for finding new things in different places that ultimately … please!  Wander is more of an open-minded thing.  So we thought we would be different and use the word, yonder, because to us at HGT, yonder is better – especially when we are introducing a new toy and
