Category: Puppies labradors


At HGT we not only produce healthy and jolly happy souls that we call our dogs, but we create those amazing creatures that are attentive, loving and SMART. Please watch the following videos.  The first one shows how Tuukka (HGT’s Koko+HHL Mr. Bojanges) pays attention to where the treat is


Rise & Shine…It’s Puppy Time! (Updated – Pups 1 Week)

Surprise – Surprise! Koko has whelped 12 pups! 8 males and 4 females!  This pairing of Koko Kawaii Hito and Zinfndel’s Markers Mark has left me breathless.  Theses pups are beautiful even wet in my hands. All the puppies are very similar in structure, blocky heads with stocky fullness of their bodies – even at


Labrador Pairings: Koko + Marcus…TY + JD

It is official – both of our beautiful chocolate labradors have been bred.  We wanted this blog to be about our dogs, our breeder friends & their sires and the HGT process. The fun has started here at HGT, but when the ultrasound shows puppy sacks, then the excitement is truly


HGT’s Anticipated Time-Table for our Labrador Puppies :@) :@)

Chocolate Labrador Puppies – Planned Breedings

Our anticipated time-table for breeding our Labradors will be as follows (2/29/15 update):


March 2016: Ty has started her heat cycle and will be going in for her base-line progesterone test 3/1/16! Fingers-crossed!

We have all the results of: OFAs, PRA, CNM and coat color DNA done on Koko’s eldest


2016 – HGT’s Year of the LAB

LAB – Loyalty, Athleticism, Beauty   

Here at HGT, we will be focusing all our strengths this coming year on two dynamic litters – both will bring us many assorted chocolates –

2015 was our Golden year and we are very proud of those golden grands.  2016, is our year of the LABrador!

Ty, Koko’s oldest
