Don’t Be Afraid to be…GREAT!

Written by Pam on November 12, 2015

Yesterday we had the honor of experiencing a beautiful Confirmation Ceremony hosted by our Most Reverend Bishop Frank Caggiano.  We knew of him, we read about his works and now we actually experienced a meeting with this amazing spiritual human being.  During an hour ceremony, we learned many important things about this right of passage but the most important message that the Bishop wanted us to understand was a simple, yet powerful message. “To not be afraid of being great!” Take a chance at doing something that makes you and your family proud.

I want to extend this message to our canine friends :@)  Let the puppy learn at his own pace – let them explore the world around them – everything we see as ‘every-day’ is truly brand new to a new pup!  Yes, establish controls for the puppy, but let them try and figure things out – believe me, the puppy will learn and become very resourceful, only if you give them that chance…at being GREAT!

Love them and Let them Learn!  Enjoy, Pam


Posted Under: HGT's Puppies, HGT's Training, News

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