Fall Back … THINK Ahead :@)

Written by Pam on November 8, 2015

In this blog I want to talk about how to protect your HGT pup against things that could still happen in the Fall.  One may think that all things that bite and create visits to the vet might be over until next Summer – but please – please – think again.

The ticks, fleas, mites are all still alive during the Autumn months and are still on the prowl for hosts to get enough food so they can hibernate this winter :@)  When our dogs run through and play merrily in that large heap of leaves you just raked, there are many interested insects lurking.  So please continue to use the Life Abundance Lavender spray mists on the dogs and pups until Winter.  Lavender is a natural insect preventative or if you can find a peppermint/lavender blend – this will work even better.  The ticks tend not like the taste or scent of the mixture of these two liquids. (Around the approaching Holidays, it might be easy to find the peppermint oil or liquid soap that can be added to the dog’s shampoo :@)

Also if you drive and have cars in your garage or in your driveway, some leak and leave puddles of oils, anti-freeze or other fluids that are potentially fatal if ingested for a pup or a young dog.  Once you notice you have a leak, not only should you call your mechanic but you should immediately pour sand over the fluid or clean it up :@)

When out of that daily walk, make sure when you stop to talk with some friends, you always keep an eye on your pup – like you would if you had a toddler in tow.  There are poisonous plants, mushrooms, and parasites that can be ingested and are toxic to a young dog.

After being outside, you will always need to look over your puppy making sure no insect has hitched a ride.  Keep the pup safe from these nasty bugs and preventable toxins.

Enjoy & be safe! Pam


Posted Under: Golden Retrievers, HGT's Puppies, Labradors, News

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