Hot Spots…:*)
Written by Pam on July 15, 2015
Well we are very happy we excelled at our last jr showmanship show and Ty showed her beautiful unwavering lab stuff! Because now she has changed a little and maybe not quite the same as she was last week! She has 2 hot spots! One was not enough so now she has two :*) For those of our HGT families who do not know what a dog’s hot spot is- well, first the term ‘hot spot’ takes on many names – I just tend to enjoy saying ‘hot spot’ anyway these dastardly – very itchy – moist eczema sores can also be called summer sores. Although the scientific name is wet pyoderma or pyogenic which means pus filled lesions…:*)
These summer sores really happen most often during the summer months to particular dog breeds who have an undercoat or an extra layer of fur. Normally in the summer, labs blow their coats but in the process, their skin can become itchy due to the shedding and the warm weather. So when itchy – they scratch and scratch until there is a sore that will eventually get infected if left untreated. It seems like almost immediately the small sore area turns into a rapidly growing patch of reddened blotchy skin.
Ty needed to see our wonderful vet again – so now Ty sports this new shaven-side look – definitely not a new trend we want here at HGT but one that will only help tend to these summer sores. Not only does she have to sport this new shaven look but she needs to wear this wonderful very attractive Elizabethan collar so she cannot get to those ‘hot spots’. The collar prevents any contact with the infected area so we are on the road to healing and looking our very best :*)
It is my hope that JD, our future sire for Ty, will not mind the new Ty look! (To me, Ty still is my most beautiful – will do whatever you want – lab – hot spots or not!) Enjoy the pictures of our happy-go-lucky Ty, and our newest members of our golden-grand clan: Akona and Enoch.