Human Kind … BE BOTH!
Written by Pam on July 18, 2016
Normally our blogs are about our dogs, our puppies, our training and all our knowledge that we share with all our HGT families and those that visit our website. But this message needs to go out so everyone can keep an eye open for those individuals who are not so kind to other humans and those that are NOT so kind to the canine!
I have witnessed first-hand how an individual did not leave her car windows open for her older dog left inside the car. Did she forget the dog was in the back seat??? I waited with the dog in the car until the owner arrived almost 15 minutes! It’s hot – very hot here in CT and the dog was panting uncontrollably – Other good citizens joined me in reading her the riot act – we told the owner if she had not surfaced within a short time, we would have called the police – so the officer can break open the window to her car so that the dog would be able to get the air that it sadly needed! Did she learn from this experience? I can only hope so…as she did not say a word and just got into her car and drove away!
Another situation that I saw was a human to human unspeakable issue! An insatiable mother of 3 young kids was more interested doing something for her own satisfaction instead of taking her son to use the bathroom!!! Horrible – she repeated the phrase “Wait Until we Get Home” for at least 5 minutes – while the child was begging her then acting out and truly on the verge of tears! This to me is horrible parenting and needs to be recognized and stopped somehow! This is in-humane – how can someone be so controlling on this level! How very sad! If everyone could just take a moment and listen to what Obama said during a recent broadcast of “being united in words and actions” – the world and its inhabitants is changing – we need to control those little things – because its those little things that lead to major things if they are NOT corrected!
At HGT we care about our dogs, the dogs of others and the little humans that are created! They are with us because we want them to be – not because they choose this path! Please if you ever see any wrong doing to any of our furry friends or those of the human kind, you need to be their voice – that Human-kind voice, that helps protect them :@) Love, Pam