HGT’s Labrador Puppies – Planned Pairings, Current Litters & Anticipated
1/29/18 – UPDATE
HGT is in the midst of planning the labrador litters for 2018 – The line up looks promising…
HGT’s TyTy will be bred again to Sky Farms, Roger Wilco – Spring, 2018
HGT’s EPOKKU – research is still underway for a suitable sire for our Eps. This will be her first breeding so we need to make sure all health clearances, genetics, and pedigrees are in check with what we look for in our breeding program.
HGT’s Ty-Ty + Sky Farms Roger Wilco – Litter – DOB 6/22/17
1/1/18 – UPDATE — PUPs Have their Forever Homes!!!!
One of the females from the Ty+Roger litter, Turquoise or Sadie, is back with us and is need of a forever home. If you are looking for a beautiful well-trained chocolate lab-ADORE, please call or email us today. This week I will be talking with all the interested families and make a determination where Sadie will enjoy her new family and how that new family will be impressed by this 12 week old lab. She is crate trained, knows more commands than some other canine friends we have here – a real eye opener for that Lab enthusiast, a hunter, or a family who knows the demands and the joys that come with owning a lab! You can reach me at 203/834-7647! Cheers, Pam For recent pics of Sadie, go to our blog, Then Again, or her first 8 weeks pics go to Labrador/Litters and go to Turquoise’s corner!
Video taken 7/21/17 pups have outgrown their whelping box and are now enjoying their puppy pen.
Video taken 7/19/17 pups are one day shy of 4 weeks
Video taken 7/12/17 pups are one day shy of three weeks. The puppies eyes and ears are open! They are also showing signs that their teeth are coming in so Ty will be weaning them soon. This bunch at 3 weeks are interactive and friendly – see below video taken early a.m. when the gruel was on the way…:@~
Video taken 7/5 pups are one day shy of two weeks
Videos taken on 6/27/17 Pups are 5 days old!!!
Our current litter (7/13/17 update):
HGT’s Ty-Ty and Sky Farm’s Roger Wilco gifted us with an amazing all chocolate litter – whelped 6/22/17. To see pictures of the sire and dam look below or go to Ty’s corner of the website – Labradors/Adults. We also will blog the HGT process on raising and training the puppies while they are here with us!
On a weekly basis, we will post each pup’s growth and their new amazing look!
7/25/17: We wanted everyone to see the Ty+Roger puppies in action at 5 weeks! This week, we wanted to give you a glimpse of each pups, personality, their playfulness and that beautiful gait that each has … so each pup has debuted in their very own video. Also new to the pups today, we gave them their first bath and first nail clipping.
In the videos you will see how each puppy interacts with us, how they listen to my unique to them – words or whistle – and how some gravitate to some cute dog toys. We hope you enjoy the videos as much as we did videotaping the pups. Truly a fun filled afternoon with our Lab-Adores!
PS: . If you are interested in buying any that you see in the videos, we will have them here for Pick-A-Puppy Weekend and we will be donating 50% of the proceeds to St. Mary’s church in Norwalk, CT .
6/24/17: two days old/ 6/29/17:1-week old / 7/6/17: 2 weeks old / 7/13/17: 3 weeks old
Red, Male
1lb 0.5 oz 1lb 13.2 oz 2 lbs 10.8 oz 3 lbs 13.3 oz
7/19/17: 4 weeks old stacked and headshot
4 lbs 11.7 oz
7/25/17: 5 week video 5 lbs 6.9 oz
8/3/17: 6 week video and photo, 5 lbs 11 oz
8/10/17: 7 week photo: 8 lbs 8 oz
8/17/17: 8 week photo: 11 lbs, OHSO, CT
Dark Blue, Male
1lb 1lb 10.2 oz 2lbs 4.0 oz 3 lbs 1.2 oz
7/19/17: 4 weeks old stacked and headshot: 4 lbs
7/25/17: 5 week video: 5 lbs
8/3/17: 6 week video and photo, 5 lbs 9 oz
8/10/17: 7 week photo: 7 lbs 5 oz
8/17/17: 8 week photo: 8 lbs, OZZIE, MA
Orange, Female
15.5 oz 1lb 13.5 oz 2lbs 10.5 oz 3 lbs 14.3 oz
7/19/17: 4 weeks old stacked and headshot: 5 lbs 5.8 oz
7/25/17: 5 week video: 6 lbs
8/3/17: 6 week video and photo, 7 lbs 15.2 oz
8/10/17: 7 week photo: 9 lbs
8/17/17: 8 week photo: 14 lbs, MEO, CT
Turquoise, Female
14.6 oz 1lb 12.6 oz 2lbs 8.4 oz 3 lbs 14.6 oz
7/19/17: 4 weeks old stacked and headshot: 5 lbs 1.7 oz
7/25/17: 5 week video: 5 lbs 12 oz
8/3/17: 6 week video and photo, 6 lbs 8.9 oz
8/10/17: 7 week photo: 8 lbs 4 oz
8/17/17: 8 week photo: 12 lbs, SADIE, MA
Green, Female
14.1 oz 1lb 10.7 oz 2lbs 5.1 oz 3 lbs 7.8 oz
7/19/17: 4 weeks old stacked and headshot: 4 lbs 13.2 oz
7/25/17: 5 week video: 5 lbs 7.8 oz
8/3/17: 6 week video and photo, 7 lbs 8.8 oz
8/10/17: 7 week photo: 9 lbs
8/17/17: 8 week photo: 12 lbs, UNCERTAIN
Black, Female
14.3 oz 1lb 9.5 oz 2 lbs 4.4 oz 3 lbs 2.7 oz
7/19/17: 4 weeks old stacked and headshot: 4 lbs 0.2 oz
7/25/17: 5 week video: 5 lbs
8/3/17: 6 week video and photo, 5 lbs 7 oz
8/10/17: 7 week photo: 7 lbs
8/17/17: 8 week photo: 10 lbs, WILLOW, NY
Pink, Female
8.9 oz 1lb 1.6 oz 1lb 10.8 oz 2 lbs 7.4 oz
7/19/17: 4 weeks old stacked and headshot: 3 lbs 7.0 oz
7/25/17: 5 week video: 4 lbs 2 oz
8/3/17: 6 week video and photo, 4 lbs 10 oz
8/10/17: 7 week photo: 5 lbs
8/17/17: 8 week photo: 8 lbs, CHLOE, NY
Purple, Female
:@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@) :@)
Our current litters and anticipated time-table for breeding our Labradors will be as follows (6/2/17 update):
Ty CONCEIVED!! Pups due to join us on June 22nd! If you are looking for a Beautiful English Dark Chocolate Labrador, we will need to hear from you. Please go to our Contact heading and fill out our questionnaire. In a couple of weeks I will know how many pups will be joining us and will continue to talk to families interested in this litter. Please view our BLOG: MISSION: Conception … Achieved. It talks about the breeding, the beautiful sire and the puppy process. Cheers, Pam
Our current litters and anticipated time-table for breeding our Labradors will be as follows (4/17 update):
HomeGrown Trilogy’s Taisetsu Tomadachi, Ty-Ty, + Orchard Creek Sky Farms Roger Wilco
Ty has delighted us at every turn, she constantly shows us that there really is no obstacle she cannot handle in agility and in her obedience classes she is that outstanding ‘stand-out’ that makes us so proud, but the one thing that has caused us a lot of confusion was how to get Ty to conceive. We have tried wonderful notable, successful sires, we have done all health clearances, and genetic clearances on our beautiful girl that displays that happiness in temperament and in her gait like no other …but still no litters – we are making this our full-blown effort – pulling out all the stops here and try everything available to us – a final attempt at trying Ty to produce a beautiful litter with this magnificent boy with all the right stuff.
This breeding will begin the end of April, 2017 and be very different from any other here at HGT. We are planning on a surgical insemination – placing the fresh semen exactly where it needs to be and hope for the very best. We already had a full chemistry profile done on Ty and she is healthy, in good shape and received good results on every test – Total Canine Health, CBC, TSH & Thyroid.
We have had the Labrador books open for those who want a dark chocolate English Labrador – if you sent us a completed questionnaire, I will have it – if it did not have all the questions answered, I cannot call each person to retrieve the missing pieces. You may want to drop us a line to confirm placement for this litter. This pairing’s offspring will be phenomenal and will be spoken for once we receive the ultrasound results in a months time!
Please look over Ty’s section of our website, Labradors/Adults/Ty-Ty, she is an amazing labrador with good clearances and very nice genetics…
Orchardcreek Sky Farm Roger Wilco
Please see our homepage blog for Roger Wilco’s credentials – he is a must have in our line – look for yourself – his notable wins speak volumes! If Ty conceives, we will have many dark chocolates running around here the end of June, 2017!
NA Profile #V770908. AKC Registration # SR83388201. CKC Registration #1130302.
DOB: 06/19/2014
Breeder: Kim Jo Edelheiser, Orchardcreek Labradors, and Thomas Flaherty, Gallivant Labradors
Sire: Erinhill’s You Had Me From Hello
Dam: Orchardcreek Kindle Desire RN
We are planning our next chocolate to chocolate pairings. Both Ty and Eps had their yearly Eye OFAs done and they came back clear and normal – all other genetic clearances can be seen on their respective corners of the website.
Ty has just come into season and we are waiting on Eps. The breedings will begin end April for amazing dark chocolates to be running around with us during the Summer. If you are looking for a HGT dark chocolate, please let us know by filling out our questionnaire under the CONTACT heading of our website.
HGT’s Epokku – OFA results Normal/Clear – Planned breeding: April, 2017
HGT’s Ty-Ty – Yearly OFA results Normal/Clear – Planning breeding: April, 2017
We are going to try our girls to a wonderful well-sought after sire! Ferguson has spent time standing at stud in the Netherlands – and is now stationed in Canada … hopefully we can figure out how to make this happen logistically.
We are also considering two other sires, each one truly takes my breath away – very dark chocolates, EIC clear with handsome looks and very nice genetics!
Madabout Ferguson!
8/25/16 HGT’s Koko Kawaii Hito+Zinfndel’s GCH, Markers Mark/Marcus: Thank you for your calls but all the pups have been placed! Please watch for our next litter of chocolates! See Above.
Currently we have 3 male labrador puppies that we had initially held back because they were a little smaller than their siblings. Now the pups will be 15 weeks this Saturday, 8/27/16, they have been vet checked, vaccinated and ready for their new journeys. Please call us today or fill out our questionnaire, if you are looking for a wonderful – healthy companion. These three pups are amazingly smart and healthy – although they are not of show quality. They have already exhibited that wonderful lab temperament and that “I will find whatever you have hidden” – hunting instinct! Enjoy the pictures below.
Placed :@) Truman!
Yellow Male / Black Rick-Rack Ribbon
Placed/Co-owned :@) DIya, Diamond in the Ruff!
Black Male / Red Rick-Rack Ribbon
Placed :@) Gus!
Black Male / White Rick-Rack Ribbon
HGT’s KokoKawaii Hito
Zinfndel’s GCH CH Markers Mark, Marcus
March 2016: HGT’s Koko Kawaii Hito has been bred to GCH, CH Zinfndel’s Markers Mark –
May 2016: Koko whelped her puppies on 5/14/16 – Marcus imprinted very nicely into this litter, resulting with 11 black lab pups and 1 yellow lab pup. We are currently talking with families who want a puppy from this grand champion sire. Please make sure you have filled out our questionnaire under the contact heading of our website.
May 2016: Ty will be bred in October for the anticipation of pups on the ground December, 2016
We have all the results of: OFAs, PRA, CNM and coat color DNA done on Koko’s eldest daughter, Ty-Ty. Ty has gone through her conformation/handling as well as every obedience class available. Ty is a joy to be around. She has that beautiful ‘eye-catching’ gait that I love and that has many heads-turning! Having passed all her genetic testing and health clearances. We are considering two beautiful chocolate sires for Ty. To be announced closer to the breeding. If Ty conceives, this will be an all dark chocolate litter.
HGT’s Kissakee…IMG_0637_Kissakee_Frisbee
May 2016: Kiss will be bred in November for the anticipation of pups on the ground January, 2017
Kiss turned two on 2/9, and we completed her genetic tests of: OFAs , PRA, CNM and coat color DNA. Kiss has gone through some obedience classes but it is the agility classes that Kiss excels at. She is always in the game – but in the game to win-win-win. In the attached video you will see Kiss training on ‘go’ – the ‘go’ to Kiss is to get that Frisbee in mid air! Kiss is a smart, resourceful and beautiful lab. We are still deciding on a suitable sire for Kiss – This original sire chosen was and still is standing at stud in The Netherlands so hopefully he will return within the next year so we can introduce him to our girls.
We plan on leaving the lab book open as we have a number of families already wanting one of our HGT’s chocolate pups. So to be placed on our list for a beautiful – healthy – English Lab – you will need to fill out the questionnaire under our contact heading – The questionnaire does not guarantee you a puppy – as we never know what mother nature sends our way. Having your information places your name on our lab list and we will call you once the dam conceives and again once the puppies join us. If you want to be on the list for a specific litter, please indicate this on the questionnaire as well.
Below are pictures of Koko’s past litters…Koko whelped her puppies on, Wednesday, October 1, 2014. Koko and all her pups are doing fine! This was a repeat breeding of Koko Kawaii Hito and Mr. Bojangles. Enjoy some pictures that were taken today, 10/2/14 and those that we have already posted under the BLOG section yesterday. We will be posting pictures of the pups frequently – the newest pics are those of our girls and those of our boys! (See below) ALL THE PUPPIES IN THIS LITTER ARE SPOKEN FOR – SHOULD YOU WANT TO WAIT FOR OUR NEXT LITTER, PLEASE FILL OUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE UNDER THE CONTACT HEADING AND WE WILL CALL YOU. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR INTEREST!
We took each pups picture for their brag books – we just could not resist showing you these two – one loves to sing – the other is just simply…handsome!