Leading Lines…

Written by Pam on June 15, 2015

It’s rainy here in CT so we decided to skip the pool and the sprinkler and do something more creative with the puppies.  We decided to have the pups join us in a game of ‘leading lines’.  No there really was no special content, no special photography, just some images of the pups and how they chose to greet me. Along with the pups, favorite Uncle, they all created their own very special leading lines.  After all the leading lines were created, only one line lead the pups back to their favorite uncle, uncle ozzy!  Enjoy, Pam

akons leading lines enochs leading lines+jolly enochs leading lines ozzy+enochs leading lines all leading lines lead me back to you

Posted Under: HGT's Puppies, HGT's Training

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