The Pups First De-worming @ 4-Weeks & What’s To Come…

Written by Pam on October 31, 2014

We started the deworming process with all the puppies and our adult females. Yes, both Koko and her Mommy-helper, Wilhelmina, needed to be dewormed as well – everyone helps out here at HGT! The puppies enjoyed the favor of the Strongid T and are doing fine. Collectively, we have decided to do a 6-week core vaccination regiment/examination/2nd Deworming. The acronym of DHPP or Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo will be the puppies’ first vaccine regiment. At 9-weeks, the pups should get the next set of vaccines and continue from there. The reason being, the pups carry Koko’s maternal immunity and to vaccinate too early would be counterintuitive so it was decided to place a little more time in between the core vaccinations so as not to block the effectiveness of these vaccinations.
All my KokoBo families should already have a veterinarian ready to see your KokoBo after the 8th week- that’s only 4 weeks away! I ask that everyone take their puppy to a veterinarian within 48 hours of leaving us – just to have another set of ears and eyes look at the puppy – the puppies are gorgeous, smart and healthy. The puppies vary somewhat in weight we have 2.5 – 4 lbs at 4-weeks! Below are some pictures of our happy pack. Enjoy & Wishing you a Happy & Safe Halloween!

Posted Under: For Jake

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