Written by Pam on November 29, 2014

Why love a Labrador? Well, I wanted to share not only my response to this type of question but also to include another one of my treasured poems to fully express the love I have for all Labradors.
My response is and always will be, to love a lab is like no other type of love. I love my labs for their jolly-happy souls, their constant willingness to please and for that inner love they show us – something so genuine and real. A Lab always makes your day a little brighter – you will understand what I am saying while you watch your KokoBo mature.

I have included portions of this lovely poem written by Thomas à Kempis, entitled: The Inner Life

Love flies, runs, leaps for joy; it is free and unrestrained. Love gives all for all, resting in One who is highest above all things, from whom every good flows and proceeds. Love does not regard the gifts, but turns to the Giver of all good gifts. Love knows no limits, but ardently transcends all bounds. Love feels no burden, takes no account of toil, attempts things beyond its strength; love sees nothing as impossible, for it feels able to achieve all things. Love therefore does great things; it is strange and effective; while he who lacks love faints and fails.”

Posted Under: For Jake

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